
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Potty training progress report

Week one has been an interesting one so far...  Here's what's happened...

#1 - Saturday evening, Josh decided that a older lady at church would be interested to know that he was wearing this big boy underwear.  I turned around for only a moment, when he had his pants down showing her his 'monster truck' undies :)

#2 - I don't understand why they put the graphics on the BACK of kid's underwear....every morning Josh wants to wear his undies with the graphic up front & Mike has to explain to him that the 'big' part goes to the back.

#3 - All weekend, Josh only had 3 accidents.  We were very hopeful when we took him to school on Monday morning.  We sent 3 changes of clothes & undies...just in case.  Well, when I picked him up from school....he was wearing the schools shorts :-/  He had 4 accidents in 1 day!!!

#4 - Things have since gotten MUCH better...Tuesday, he had 2 accidents and today he only had 1 accident & it was a 'little' one.  Today we took a road trip up to New Braunfels & Josh told us when he needed to go.  We were able to pull over & he went!  GREAT PROGRESS!!!

1 comment:

  1. Only Josh would show off his undies in church ;) Too funny!!!
