It's so hard to believe that in 6 short months, we'll be celebrating Adelyn's first birthday! I know I say this each month, but I really cannot believe just how fast time is flying by! Addie had a pretty exciting half-birthday! She had a check up with Dr. Fitch. She weighs 14 lbs 2.5 oz, her length is 24.75" and her head circumference is 15.75". Dr. Fitch said she is proportionately petite :) I had to laugh and asked Dr. Fitch how she could be petite with so many rolls. LOL! She's hit a little bit of a growth plateau, but he is pleased with her interval growth. She's about 25% on all measurements. Overall, he said she's perfect! Addie is still exclusively nursed; however, he encouraged me to start introducing some baby foods now. I tried starting rice cereal when she was 5 months old & it seemed to upset her little tummy. I kept trying periodically & she just didn't want anything to do with it. So, I tried oatmeal cereal next....same story :( Yesterday I decided to try applesauce. I mean what kid doesn't like applesauce, right?! Well, apparently my daughter doesn't like it. She cried & wouldn't eat it either. this point, I'll keep trying, but we may have a very picky eater on our hands :-\
Developmentally, Addie is right on target. She's cooing & talking... She's laughing & gets so excited when she sees someone she's knows! She's rolling over all over the place & wiggles like crazy! Most mornings (and some nights), I cannot even see her in the video monitor because she's moved around so much! :) She is sitting on her own now! Exciting times! I still don't trust her on the tile, so we mostly let her sit on the rug in the living room or on the carpet in the bedrooms. She also loves playing with Josh's toys...especially his books and playing in her Baby Einstein exersaucer! Addie is showing some signs of separation anxiety when she cannot see Mike or myself but she will freely go to just about anyone who wants to hold her.
In addition to her regular check up and immunizations, Addie also got her 1st flu shot. We have to go back in a month for the 2nd dose :( She ran a bit of a temp today and was extra fussy...I hope the next dose doesn't have the same ill effects on her...poor baby!
And...last, but certainly NOT least, Addie got her ears pierced by Dr. Cevey (another pedi in Dr. Fitch's group). She did great! They put some numbing cream on her ears and Addie didn't cry at all when she got her ears pierced! She's got some pearl inset studs on... I told Dr. Cevey, "Well, since you don't offer the diamond studs, I guess she'll have to settle for the pearls!" LOL!
Look at my beautiful baby girl!
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