She is starting to smile & grin more at people, but also starting to show some signs of stranger adversion too. She's also easily overwhelmed when a lot of 'new' people are around and sensitive to loud noises.
Addie loves to play on the floor with her toys and she's getting up on all fours a lot now and rocking back & forth! Not crawling yet, but has mastered the 'launch, stretch & reach' tactic to get what she wants. She's also trying to pull up on her knees holding our hands. She's learning a lot from her big brother & she'll be running around like he is very soon :-)
Addie has 6 teeth now...those top middle ones finally came in!! She's got a nice gap too...hopefully she won't have any crowding issues like Josh does. We can hope that only one of our children will need braces, right?! :-)
Addie had her 9 month well visit with Dr. Fitch too. She weighs 14 lbs 14 oz and is 27" long. At this same age, Josh was 15 lbs 3 oz and 27" long. Even though Addie didn't grow as much as he had hoped during the past 3 month time period, Dr. Fitch is encouraged by her development and said "positive growth" is what's most important & we achieved that! He also checked her iron, which is perfect! That means we don't hae to supplement anything. She can keep on nursing and eating solids too. She eats pretty good...still prefers fruits over veggies, but we're still giving the veggies to her (mean, aren't we?!) :-) Dr. Fitch gave us the go ahead to start giving her what we eat (minus the 'choking' foods, shellfish, nuts & milk) that's helpful for me. I can just puree up what we're eating for dinner!!
I have a feeling her 10 month blog will have a lot of new developments since she seems to be changing so quickly these days!
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